Several TXST flute alumni performed or presented at the National Flute Association Convention in Chicago in August:
Ziging Guan (MM 2018) was selected and performed for a panel as a quarterfinalist in the Young Artist Competition.
Teresa Sandragorsian (BM 2014,MM Jazz 2020) performed in jazz masterclass (chosen by audition).
Hilary Janysek (2011) chaired the NFA Flute Clubs committee sponsoring numerous events; was chair of a DEI panel; and conducted and performed with Flutes on the Bayou (Houston-based professional flute ensemble).
Daniel Pardo (2010) also conducted and performed with Flutes on the Bayou, performed in the Opening Ceremonies flute choir, Open Low Flutes Ensemble, Chaired the Blaisdell Scholarship Committee, and served as a member of the 1st Generation Scholarship Committee. Pardo and Julia Escobar (2019) performed in ensemble (144 flutists) premiering “Oxygen” by Julia Wolfe.
Valerie Cowan (MM 2014) performed in small ensembles from the US Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps playing Baroque flute and fife.