TXST music faculty Dr. Dimitar Ninov‘s new cantata Moma gori momak (Maiden burns a Bachelor) was selected among a number of other pieces deposited in the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR). It was recorded on May 2, 2019 by the BNR mixed choir and orchestra with Conductor of Orchestra Lubomir Denev, Jr. and Choir Master Lubomira Aleksandrova. The BNR covered all the expenses and did Dr. Ninov a great honor by placing the cantata in the so-called “golden music fund”.
Moma gori momak is approximately 6-7 minutes long. The text is from folklore about a young woman who mesmerizes all men, married and single, and makes them do foolish things out of their desperate falling in love with her. The musical language is accessible, the texture incorporating features associated with Bulgarian folklore.