Three former TX State flute students joined four current TXST flute students and Dr. Adah Jones, Professor of Flute, at the National Flute Association convention in Minneapolis in August.

Danielle Stevens is a second year DMA student in Flute Performance at the University of Illinois where she is the flute TA for Dr. Jonathan Keeble and is also pursuing studies in ethnomusicology. This summer, she was in the quarterfinals for the Young Artist Competition for the National Flute Association. This December, she will marry TX State alum, Ian Nutting who is currently working on a MA in Divinity degree studying Sociology and Anthropology of religion at University of Chicago. Jessica Hall is a second-year Masters student at TXST and hopes to pursue a career performing in a military band. Briana Dunn is beginning her MM in Flute Performance at Texas Tech University where she is also a TA teaching Theory/Aural Skills. Hilary Janysek is in her final year of a DA degree in Performance with a secondary emphasis in Entrepreneurial Music at Ball State University where she is also a TA for the Music History department. She is working with a partner on a new music educational tool for improvisation, and working for the Muncie Symphony in a program providing interactive presentations to children in the community.
Julia Escobar is a junior Performance major at TXST chosen to perform in the National Collegiate Flute Choir at the convention, an organization that all three alumni and Hall had performed in when they were undergrads at TXST. Ziqing Guan is a master’s student and hopes to continue in a doctoral program in the near future. Josh Valdez is a senior Music Studies major who hopes to pursue a band directing career.