Dr. Alec D. Scherer, Assistant Professor of Music Education, was part of a research team that recently published “Effects of Preconducting and Conducting Behaviors on Collegiate Musicians’ Evaluations of Conductor Competence” in issue 228 of the Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education.
The article was co-authored with Joshua R. Boyer and Brian A. Silvey of University of Missouri, and Jason P. Cumberledge of University of Louisville. The article abstract explains the “purpose of this study was to examine the influence of preconducting and conducting behaviors on perceptions of conductor competence.” The research team expanded upon a previous study by Frederickson et al., 1998, by including undergraduate college musicians’ evaluations of recorded videos of conductors that “displayed combinations of poor and excellent preconducting and conducting behaviors.”
Published by the University of Illinois Press on behalf of the Council of Research in Music Education, The Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education is a quarterly academic journal covering music education.