Plans are now in place for the students and faculty of the School of Music to safely continue their studies by remote communication for the remainder of the semester. The isolation is difficult, with music-making being such a team sport, but the music faculty are rising creatively to the challenge. I trust the students will too!
The hardest part is losing even temporarily the opportunity for public performance of our shared art. But this is a moment in which we all must reaffirm together that music and the other Arts are essential not only to us as practitioners but to our communities and to society. We pledge to do our part to keep the flame bright and ready to rekindle the human spirit!
This is an excellent statement that captures the value of music in our society. The fact that it is a team sport does make it difficult to persevere in this time of necessary isolation. So many examples have already emerged on the internet of groups retaining their integrity by performing remotely with amazing ensemble togetherness. Where there is a will, there is a way, especially with all the tools we have at our fingertips.
All Best to Everyone in Music or Other Disciplines at Texas State University and Greetings from the Chicago Lyric Opera Orchestra!