Several trombonists have been accepted into various summer music festivals/workshops:
Camden Scarborough was accepted into the Southeast Trombone Symposium’s Participant Class and advanced in the S.E. Shires Orchestra Mock Audition Competition. He will study with members of the New York Philharmonic and Atlanta Symphony.
Michael Martinez was accepted into the Pacific Region International Music Academy where he will travel to Canada and perform the 5th symphonies of Mahler and Shostakovich in addition to studying with members of the Vancouver Symphony.
Michael Johnson was accepted into the Participant Class of Chicago Symphony trombonist Michael Mulcahy’s week-long masterclass at Northwestern University.
Patrick Harwell and Matthew Flores have been accepted into Jim Pugh’s Complete Trombonist Workshop at the University of Illinois.
Additionally, Camden Scarborough, Michael Martinez and Ramiro Cortez will join the student staff at the 2016 International Trombone Festival hosted at the Juilliard School. All are students of Dr. Martin McCain.